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Our Team

One parish, six churches

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Biographies of our clergy team

Rev'd Deb Canon Smith

The Revd Canon Deb Smith

Before ordination, I worked as a newspaper reporter around Manchester and then Dorset.


Married with two grown-up children and a dog called Polly, I love live music, theatre, film, and a good pub quiz. Walking in the stunning countryside where we live and swimming in the sea through all weathers keeps me going, too!


I didn’t go to church as a child but was baptised in my 20s and have stayed ever since.

I passionately believe the Church of God belongs to everyone: regular attenders and those who worry about coming through the church door.


The life of faith is lived wherever the people of God are.

Rev'd Lorna Johson

The Revd Lorna Johnson

Before becoming a priest, I worked in criminal law, for environmental charities and in digital broadcasting.


I moved from Amsterdam to Bridport with my husband in 2009, after which my focus was community work with young people and families, and I began exploring a call to ministry in the Church.


I have a full-time paid role in the Salisbury Diocese as a community development adviser on a children and young people’s project.

I work for the Parish of Bridport for free for a further 12 hours a week.


I believe through ancient and new ways of connecting to the love of Christ, our whole community and planet can heal and grow. I think young people help us see all the possibilities!


The Revd Cally Burch

Before ordination, I studied modern languages at university and then worked as a solicitor in London on and off for 20 years.


I am married with two adult children, a dog and two cats. I led all-age and children’s worship in my local church in Guildford for nearly 20 years before ordination, studying for my theology degree at St Mellitus College in London.


My placement during those studies was at a church in an urban area of social deprivation.  I then served my curacy in Fleet in Hampshire and have also done some prison chaplaincy.


I love being on, by or in the sea and spending time in nature, walking or gardening. I believe that all are welcome at God’s Table and I love finding creative ways to help people to connect with God, who loves us all.

Points of Contact 

Parish Rector

The Revd Canon Deb Smith  (Fri- off)

01308  301 457

Pioneer Parish Vicar

The Revd Cally Burch (Fri - off)

07746 561144

Associate Priest

The Revd Lorna Johnson

01308 538519

Permission to Officiate

The Revd Janis Moore

01308 425644

Permission to Officate

The Revd Ann Ayling

01308 424896

Permission to Officate

The Revd Dan Shackell

01308 426514

Permission to Officate

The Revd Philip Ringer (Hospital Chaplain)

01308 425 774

Permission to Officiate

The Revd John Rees

01308 458756

PCC Secretary

Bridget Trump

01308 459875

Church Wardens

Mandi Sturrock; John Adams

Michele Craddock

Licensed Lay Ministers

Graham Purse

01308 423220

Licensed Lay Ministers

Peter Wright

01308 456967

Lay Pastoral Assistants

Caroline Cooke

07859 803734

Lay Pastoral Assistant

Diana Wright

01308 456967

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